Our art

Our art

The art for companies

Orga­ni­ze meetings for com­pa­nies in an inti­ma­te, uni­que atmo­sphe­re con­du­ci­ve to cre­ati­ve work.

We offer the possi­bi­li­ty of orga­ni­zing many attrac­tions on the spot. We col­la­bo­ra­te with expe­rien­ced tra­iners who wil­lin­gly sha­re the­ir know­led­ge, as well as with com­pa­nies that pro­fes­sio­nal­ly lead adre­na­li­ne parties.

And all of this is sprin­kled with good, heal­thy cuisi­ne based on seaso­nal, local products!

In our offer, you will find:

  • Inte­gra­tion meetings
  • Inti­ma­te conferences
  • Tra­ining
  • Inten­si­ve per­so­nal deve­lop­ment courses

The art of a heal­thy life

We live in a fast and stress­ful world, sur­ro­un­ded by unsur­pas­sed pres­su­res of “impro­ved beau­ty”, tor­tu­red with diets and tre­at­ments that ruin not only our pocket, but abo­ve all, our health!

And what is tru­ly beau­ti­ful is never per­fect. During your time with us, you will redi­sco­ver the age-old truth that beau­ty is born in the mind … you will learn to live in har­mo­ny with your body and soul.

We will teach you how to use the gifts natu­re pro­vi­des to chan­ge your way of life, and despi­te the dif­fi­cul­ties that are part of our deve­lop­ment, wake up with joy and fall asle­ep with a smile:

  • Stra­ins that cle­an­se the mind and body
  • Yoga and Pila­tes workshops
  • Bre­athing workshops
  • Her­bal workshops

The art of cre­ati­ve life

At the Habi­tat, we have an artist stu­dio and a kiln for firing cera­mics. On requ­est and with noti­ce, we can pro­vi­de artist work­shops. The pri­ce is set indi­vi­du­al­ly, depen­ding on the num­ber of people and the date. On offer:

  • Natu­ral dyeing workshops
  • Cera­mic workshops
  • Pho­to­gra­phic workshops
  • Wic­ker workshops
  • Sta­ined-glass workshops

Par­ty Art

In our Habi­tat we have cli­ma­te: gal­le­ries – a coach house, a fire­pla­ce room, an angel room, per­fect for orga­ni­zing ori­gi­nal recep­tions in the sty­le of natu­re, art and old lace.

Few pla­ces are so uni­que, not only in the decor, but also in the cli­ma­te. Our offer will be appre­cia­ted by all tho­se who are looking
for extra­or­di­na­ry pla­ces and a warm, fami­ly atmosphere.

We take care of eve­ry deta­il and make eve­ry effort to ensu­re that events orga­ni­zed with us rema­in fon­dly in your memo­ries. In our offer:

  • Inti­ma­te wed­ding parties
  • Occa­sio­nal events
  • Fami­ly reunions
  • Gathe­rings with friends