Art Habitat

Art Habi­tat is a uni­que pla­ce, full of warmth and myste­ry. It’s a pla­ce with a soul, whe­re eve­ry cor­ner whi­spers words of com­fort and joy. The sur­ro­un­dings of the Habi­tat enco­ura­ge tra­nqu­ili­ty and con­tem­pla­tion, with many oppor­tu­ni­ties to explo­re beau­ty in natu­re. For tho­se who seek acti­ve rest, the­re is much to see on the Kar­ko­no­sze trails.


The omni­pre­sent Angels cre­ate an aura of peace that allows you to trans­cend eve­ry­day life.

In Sie­dli­sko, we start the day with mor­ning yoga (for tho­se wil­ling), fol­lo­wed by a cup of fre­sh­ly bre­wed herbs from our meadow and a leisu­re­ly bre­ak­fast, whe­re the­re is always time for an inte­re­sting conver­sa­tion. We nourish the spi­rit with food for the body, strolls along the near­by meadows and woods, and views of our beau­ti­ful moun­ta­ins. Liste­ning to sounds of natu­re, guests can dive into an inte­re­sting book, explo­re the area, con­tem­pla­te the beau­ty of the sur­ro­un­ding micro­world. In the eve­nings, we meet by the bon­fi­re under the stars and find our­se­lves lost in conver­sa­tion … by the fire­pla­ce, in the can­dle­li­ght … or loun­ging in the sauna.

When you disco­ver this pla­ce, you will be bro­ught back … to Sie­dli­sko amidst moun­ta­ins, fore­sts, mor­ning mists and sun­sets … to Sie­dli­sko, whe­re we enjoy the Art of Eve­ry­day Joy.